ACS - Core domestic and non-domestic emergency service (CESP1) and gas metering work (CMA1).

ACS - Core domestic and non-domestic emergency service (CESP1) and gas metering work (CMA1).

Qualification Details

ACS - Core domestic and non-domestic emergency service (CESP1) and gas metering work (CMA1).

The following training and assessment packages are certificated by Logic Certification Ltd to industry led standards

Title Content type
Code: CESP1 or CMA1 plus associated pipework or meter elements
Expiry: 5 years. Candidates can undertake the re-assessment of any element up to 6 months early without losing any time (MOT Style). Previous certificates must be produced at the time of assessment as evidence.

CESP1 and CMA1 (or a suitable changeover) are required for any operative wishing to either carry out emergency service gas work or gas metering work. In addition, the operative must hold the relevant pipework or meter element for the work they wish to undertake.

Assessment overview:

The candidate will be assessed in the following areas:-

  • Gas safety legislation and standards
  • Gas emergency actions and procedures
  • Installation of pipework and fittings (pipework within meter installation and outlet pipework)
  • Tightness testing and purging
  • Checking and/or setting meter regulators
  • Unsafe situations, use of emergency notices and warning labels
  • Operation and positioning of emergency isolation controls and valves
  • Products and characteristics of combustion
  • Ventilation (for domestic and non-domestic appliances)
  • Chimney Standards
  • Re-establish existing gas supply and re-light appliances.

For the initial assessment candidates must meet the entry requirements as laid out in guidance note 8 for category 1, 2, and 3 entrants (see ACS scheme rules).

For re-assessment candidates must have held the element previously - if this has expired within 12 months of the assessment date the initial assessment must be undertaken. 

The CMA1 core meter gas safety certificate has an equivalence to a Level 3 QCF qualification in the gas utilisation sector (which is also aligned to ACS) and satisfies the same gas safety criteria leading to a certificate of competence recognised by the Gas Safe Register.

Assessment method:
Related qualifications:
Related downloads:
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