New Pre-requisite Training for Experienced ACS operatives as published GN8 Version 6 August 2018

* Major changes have been announced in relation to the ACS Entry routes and changeover requirements. * Changes to guided learning hours for existing Gas Safe Operatives extending their range of certification (Experienced Candidates must have been registered with Gas Safe Register for at least 6 months & provide evidence of Registration prior to adding a new ACS Category) as From 1st October 2018


With the introduction of IGE/IG1,Guidance Note 8 (GN8) for ACS has been reviewed and amended. GN 8 now requires all new entrants to the gas industry to undertake appropriate training and on site experience. The revision to GN8 also includes new pre- requisite training requirements for experienced operatives intending to extend their scope or range of certification.      

GN8 has been approved by the Strategic Management Board (SMB) and becomes effective 1st October 2018. Approved Centres should ensure all staff are familiar with and understand the new requirements to ensure ACS candidates undertake appropriate training where required.

This Guidance Note (GN8) details the entry routes to ACS Assessment and the requirements for extending scope or range of work. GN8 (Table 2) it is not intended to prevent or restrict movement but to ensure consistency and provide practical guidance to assist compliance with GSIUR - Regulation 3 Qualification and Supervision by ensuring gas engineers do not undertake gas work on appliances or systems for which they have insufficient training and experience.


New Entrant: A person wishing to achieve a recognised industry qualification to undertake gas work and gain Gas Safe Registration in that work category, this includes persons holding qualifications recognised as Category 2

(GN8 Appendix 1)

Extend Scope: Moving from one sector to another e.g. Domestic to Commercial

Extend Range: Remaining within the sector but adding additional appliances e.g. holding CCN1 & CENWAT adding HTR1

MLP: Managed Learning Programme (MLP) approved by the Authoriser of Training (IGEM) in accordance with the requirements of IGEM/IG/1.

MLP - RPL: Recognisers of Training are required to use derivatives of their approved MLP’s to develop changeover MLP’s, taking into consideration any Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Please note; Where we have entered into an agreement with a candidate to undertake ACS assessment prior to 1st October 2018 that assessment may be completed in accordance with the rules and guidance published at the time of the agreement was made.

Likewise where a learner is undertaking an MLP and completes their programme prior to the 1st October 2018 they may undertake ACS assessments as agreed with the Approved Centre.

GN8 Version 6 August 2018